Willert’s Store Successful

On Aug. 1, 1892, C. Willert was working as a clerk in the grocery store owned by Frank L. Wilson in the south end of Grove City.   Previously, he worked for A. L. Nichols’ grocery at the northern edge of town.  

In 1894, Willert purchased Wilson’s store and continued offering groceries and dry goods.  

Twelve years later, he quit the grocery business but continued to offer dry goods, exceptionally fine line of footwear, gents’ furnishings, dry goods and ladies’ furnishings from the inner to the outer garments, according to Lewis Garrison.

The store was stocked with everything from hats to shoes. The large storeroom, 40 by 50 feet in size, attracted trade comes from miles around.  Fair prices, courteous treatment and good service along with the goods that the trade demanded were features that spelled success for Willert.


Grove City’s Water System


Witteman and Miller Coal