Grove City’s Water System

Dr. Frank C. Wright was chairman of a committee which investigated water systems in towns of 2,000 population throughout Ohio.   This resulted in a modern and up-to-date water plant for Grove City. 

It was installed at a most opportune time because prices for construction were most favorable priced.  

Two wells 180 feet deep in the lime rock, furnished an abundance of water. The pumping machinery was housed in a concrete building at Windsor Park making it impossible for contamination and with no chance of freezing.

The pumps were electrically driven and automatically controlled.  This kept the 100,000 gallon tank on the elevation of 100 feet full at all times. A 40-horsepower gasoline engine was in place for a back-up in the event of an emergency.

Fire hydrants were throughout the village on practically every street and each had 45 pounds of pressure.  

The plant was financed by a bond issue of $25,000, which carried three-to-one in favor of the system.   The one issue was that the water had heavy iron deposits and didn’t produce the highest quality drinking water.


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