Town with a Future - The Grove City Farmers Exchange Co.

(The following was written by Lewis Garrison, and is reprinted from 1927’s “Grove City - The Town with a Future”,  available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.Town with a Future - The Grove City Farmers Exchange Co.This is without doubt the oldest business enterprise in Grove City, being known over 60 years ago as the old Breck saw and Grist Mill. It was successively owned by various parties down to late years when George Gantz made of it a more or less first class small town mill and elevator. Several owners had the business subsequently, more particularly Esley Brothers and later Charles Esley. On February 18, 1921, fire destroyed the mill in storage room. Prior to this date the above title corporation was formed and after the fire the old premises were acquired from Charles Esley. Then began the erection of the present large and modern concrete elevator with a capacity of over 21,000 bushels of grain. Today with the feed mill equipment and other buildings the company have one of the best places of the kind in this section. There are over 150 stockholders in the company, nearly all of them are farmers in the surrounding territory. The business is prosperous and growing. The lines engaged in are the buying and selling of grain, flour, feed, salt, coal, fencing, tile, etc. Mr. Samuel Horn is the manager. The officers of the corporation are: R.M. Borror, President; William Koehler, Vice-President; Harry Linebaugh, Secretary, and M.R. Miller, Treasurer. 


The Epoch of the Park Street School - Before Ohio Part 1


Town with a Future - The Grove City Manufacturing Co.