The Epoch of the Park Street School - Before Ohio Part 1
(The following was written by Faye and Harold Morland, and is reprinted from “The Epoch of the Park Street School 1853-1964 and Grove City, Ohio”. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)The birth and growth of a community of people in all phases of life necessarily causes the birth and growth of schools for learning how to live a better life. Let us explore the land, history and development of the region before Grove City and Park Street School existed.The first explorations by the Europeans into Ohio were made by the French, LaSalle dating from 1667. The territory was in dispute with the English. By the Treaty of 1763, the French assigned the “Great West” to the English. In 1779, George Rogers Clark, in behalf of Virginia, wrested control of the region known as the Northwest Territory from the English. The English relinquished their right and interest in the Northwest Territory by the Treaty of Paris in 1783.The states of Virginia, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts made claims based on charters granted by Kings of England to portions of the territory northwest of the Ohio River. These states relinquished their rights to the United States. New states could then be formed and admitted to the union when the population warranted. This plan was adopted with the exception of Virginia and Connecticut.(The conclusion of this story in the next blog entry).