The Grant Family - the Grant Homestead - Part 3
(The following was written by Marilyn Gibboney, and is reprinted from “Reflections II”, a collection of local stories available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author. The “Grant Homestead” is now referred to as the Grant-Sawyer Home, and is available for tours.)Ruth has many fond memories of growing up on the family farm and enjoys recalling stories told to her by her grandmother. Her grandmother said the Indians often came to the house. There was a bridge at the south end of the rail fence. Gypsies often camped there. She would watch the farmers drive cattle past the house to the railroad station on their way to market. There was a berry patch across the street. The bricks for the house were made on the property. The clay came from the fields and was formed and hand dipped in water, laid on the ground in rows to dry in the sun. They are the same brick still in the house and according to contractors as hard as cement. The bricks for St. John's Lutheran Church were made on the farm in the year 1888. The kitchen of the house was used as a grainery at one time. The farm animals were watered by the windmill. There was a cistern and hand-dug well. No one had electricity. The neighbors all helped one another at harvest time. At one time the land reached from the former IGA store on the south, west to Moore Avenue, north to Dudley and east to Richard Avenue. Now there are two acres left.This grant Homestead is living history. A 160 year old home beautifully restored and six generations of ancestors is definitely living history. To quote Ruth when she decided to place the home on the National Register for Historic Places by the Ohio Historical Society she said, “This really is the only thing I can leave to Grove City. It's important to me to see that this part of our history is preserved.”Ruth, it has been an honor to be here tonight and be a part of this celebration. On behalf of the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society we thank you again for inviting us all here to be part of this living history of Grove City.The occasion was the celebration of placing the Grant Homestead on the National Register of Historic Places.