The Grant Family - the Grant Homestead - Part 2

(The following was written by Marilyn Gibboney, and is reprinted from “Reflections II”, a collection of local stories available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author. The “Grant Homestead” is now referred to as the Grant-Sawyer Home, and is available for tours.)Hugh Grant, Sr., had six children: Alexander, Jacob, Isabelle, Nancy, Mary and Hugh, Jr. This generation of Grants were primarily farmers.Hugh Grant, Jr. was willed ownership of the property from 1832-1884. During this time frame The farmhouse was built and still stands. Hugh Grant, Jr. was an influential farmer and community leader and held several political positions and was a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Hugh Grant, Jr. had four children, the most notable of which was Adam Grant, better known as A.G.A.G. Grant was willed the property from his father in 1884 and claimed it until his death in 1917. A.G. Grant did much for the development of Jackson Township in the village of Grove City. He was industrious and pushed development which brought prosperity to Grove City as it began to change from a small rural area to a growing village. Grant was a contractor and business owner. He had a brick yard, started a bank, developed the west side of town and named it after his daughter Beulah. Beulah Park was named after his daughter. He was a respected civil leader. He was part owner of the Interurban Railway known as The Grove City Electric Railway.As a civic leader A.G. Grant served as a trustee of the original fair board (1895), donated property to the Grove City School District (1910) on which the Jackson Building on East Park Street still stands. He donated land for a Methodist Church, donated the land (1911) for “Stone Pike” which is now known as Haughn Road.After Adam (A.G.) Grant died the property was passed down to John Grant and then his daughter Relieffe Grant Sawyer. Relieffe was four years old when she came to live on the property. Relieffe Sawyer, whose husband was Clarence Sawyer, was a farmer and also a blacksmith. Relieffe would sell eggs and other products at the old Central Market on Fourth Street in Columbus. She lived in the house until her death in 1987. Upon her death the property passed to her daughter Ruth Jividen who resides in the house now.(The conclusion of this story in the next blog entry).


The Grant Family - the Grant Homestead - Part 3


The Grant Family - the Grant Homestead - Part 1