The Epoch of the Park Street School - The School Board - Part 2
(The following was written by Faye and Harold Morland, and is reprinted from “The Epoch of the Park Street School 1853-1964 and Grove City, Ohio”. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)At a meeting of the board on November 3: “A motion...that providing the three-mill levy at the November 7 election carries or the notice of appeal be wavered, that the schools be reopened Wednesday, November 8, 1933.” The levy was approved and the schools reopened on the day after election. The school survived a very trying time.In 1934 the first mimeograph machine was purchased by the school board.On February 3, 1939, the board adopted the salary schedule submitted by a committee with L.J. Mosher as chairman. The schedule (for the first time) gave equal pay to all teachers of equal training and experience, regardless of the sex of the teacher or the grades or subjects taught. Lowest salary possible on the schedule was $900 for two years of college training and no experience. Highest possible salary was $1,800 for 5 years of college training and 18 or more years of experience. Five days of sick leave each year were allowed, with a day is permitted annually “not to be accumulative from year to year.”On April 12, 1954, Superintendent George C. Beery of the Franklin County Board of Education received a letter from the clerk, Katherine Davis, of the Jackson Township Board of Education that the latter board desired to become an Exempted Village School District. The request was recognized and accepted by the Franklin County Board of Education beginning July 1, 1954.In September of 1955 the Franklin County Board of Education received a plan for district reorganization in Franklin County as submitted by the Franklin County Citizens Committee to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, R.M. Eyman. Mr. Eyman gave his approval for the approval of consolidation of five local school districts in Franklin County as follows: Franklin, Georgesville, Pleasant, Prairie and Urbancrest, along with the Exempted Village School District of Grove City-Jackson. All these were reorganized into a local school district. This plan was submitted to the electors of the school districts involved as required by law and was approved by 55% of all qualified voters. This new school district was to be known as the South-Western School District, effective January 2, 1956. Superintendent George C. Beery retired October 1, 1958.On May 6, 1959, Grove City receive the one-hundred fiftieth Charter from the State of Ohio. In October of that year the Franklin County Board of Education sent a letter directed to the Board of Education of the South-Western City School District recognizing the fact that the latter had separated itself from the Franklin County Board of Education. The city status of Grove City made possible the city status of the South-Western City School District, since there was no other city lying within the school district.