The Epoch of the Park Street School - The School Board - Part 1

(The following was written by Faye and Harold Morland, and is reprinted from “The Epoch of the Park Street School 1853-1964 and Grove City, Ohio”.  Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)The meeting of the board on November 7, 1930 brought another resolution:“Whereas: the voters of Jackson Township World School District defeated a three-mill levy for school purposes, November 4, 1930; therefore be it resolved: that the State Director of Education be requested to direct the Franklin County Board of Education to levy a tax upon the Jackson Township School District, Franklin County, Ohio, for 1930 as provided in section 7596-1, General Code of Ohio, such action to make the Jackson Township School District eligible to participate in the state equalization fund...motion carried.”We feel the depression. On October 13, 1933, the board met and passed the following motion with the four members present voting yes: “Motion...that the schools of the Jackson Township School District close until funds or means to operate are available.” The following story from the Grove City record of October 27, 1933, explains the board's action:“The 900 school children enrolled in the Grove City - Jackson Township Schools will be denied their education until after the November 7th election at least, it became certain Thursday.“Closed October 13, the financial situation is so hopeless that Dr. J.C. Sommer, board president, announced to the school board at its meeting last Friday night that the existing deficit of $10,000 could not be met.“Because of uncertainty of the outcome of the injunction suit against a three-mill levy voted two years ago to give the district state aid and uncertainty of the passage of the proposed levy, Dr. Sommer declared the board did not feel justified in asking teachers to resume teaching with only the hope of being paid later.“However, he did say Thursday morning: ‘We have about $7,000 coming to us from the state auditor which we cannot collect because of court litigation against the school district. Lift the injunction filed against us so we can collect the money and the school board will have the schools open in 24 hours.’“The schools closing affects more than 900 pupils and 27 teachers. Some families have moved to Briggsdale and Columbus to put their children in school, Dr. Sommer said.  'If the schools can operate until the first of the year,’ said Dr. Sommer, ’we have enough money in sight from real estate tax returns, tuition, the liquid fuel tax and from state aid to continue.’“‘If the proposed levy passes November 7, state aid will be forthcoming to help the schools, Dr. Sommer said Thursday, ‘but if the injunction is dissolved in the appellate courts and carried to the next tribunal, we will be in the same situation we are now. We cannot collect the money due us while litigation is filed against the board.’“The board asked for an advance of $2,000 from tax collections to give teachers and employees part of their back pay. County Auditor Thatcher said that about $2,000 could be advanced on the year’s tax collections, but this amount is sufficient to operate the schools less than two weeks, and the sum must also be used to take care of the sinking fund.“Teachers of the Jackson Township schools have received no pay for their services this Fall and with the outcome of the injunction appeal and the November three-mill election uncertain, the board was not willing to reopen. The board thereupon took action delaying the opening until the results of the November 7 election, when ballots will be taken on a proposed three-mill levy to aid the school, become known.“Although the injunction obtained by the Taxpayers League prohibiting the collection of a previously passed Levy, was dissolved in this money may now be collected, the league has filed notice of appeal and the outcome is uncertain. It may tie up this revenue source indefinitely.“Notice from County Auditor Thatcher that tax money to be collected in December will not be applicable toward paying this year's bills, but must apply on 1934 expenses, also complicates the situation.”(The conclusion of this story in the next blog entry.)


The Epoch of the Park Street School - The School Board - Part 2


Major Eventful Years in the History of Grove City and the Park Street School, 1911-1964 - Part 3