George M. Haughn

Born on South Broadway, George M. Haughn is retired from Columbus Gas of Ohio, spends time with family and is a big fan of Grove City parades.  Haughn, a former Grove City mayor, grew up on South Broadway. As a youngster, he remembers walking Greyhounds at the old dog track once located where Our Lady of Perpetual Help School sits today. Before the race track, he says, much of the area was a large apple orchard owned by Clay Neiswander.  Haughn walked dogs, primarily ones owned by Peedy Bare, and his usual pay was anywhere from one to five sticks of spearmint chewing gum. Haughn admits he tried several times to sneak and watch a Greyhound race, though always unsuccessfully. Only those 18 and older were allowed inside the track.

By James F. Hale for Discover Magazine


House On Mill Street


Grove City in 1920s