Town with a Future - The Grove City Savings Bank Co.
(The following was written by Lewis Garrison, and is reprinted from 1927’s “Grove City - The Town with a Future”, available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)The Grove City Savings Bank Co.This bank was organized April 21, 1903, with a capital of $25,000. At first a small building was occupied on Broadway near the present location. The prime movers in the organization were A.G. Grant, Emil Kiesewetter, E.C. Wagner and a number of prominent farmers in the locality. Business gradually increased until the bank reached a point where more room was needed which led to the construction of the present complete and modern quarters.The bank building, a credit to the town, was completed and occupied on May 19, 1923. It is located on Broadway in the heart of the business section. The bank is handsomely furnished and equipped with a large vault containing safe deposit boxes for the custody of valuable papers for the people of the community. The vault is of the latest approved design, safe and impregnable, and protected by a burglar proof door, equipped with time lock, all constructed of materials the best that can be procured. On the mezzanine floor is the directors’ room and on this floor is located the ladies’ restroom.On May 15, 1923, the capital was increased to $50,000, and with surplus and undivided profits of $28,000, makes the total resources of the bank $370,000. The directors are: George B. Borror, E.C. Grant, Emil Kiesewetter, M.R. Miller, Seymour McKinley, Abner Rader, Samuel Taylor, Clark Worthington and E.C. Wagner. The officers are: T.C. Wagner, President; E.C. Grant, Vice-President; Charles G. Patzer, Cashier, and Fred Weishaupt, Bookkeeper. The bank's personnel is composed of men imbued with the idea of courteous service to the public, a factor which is appreciated as is attested to by the growth of this institution.