Town With a Future - Dr. J.C. Sommer

(The following was written by Lewis Garrison, and is reprinted from 1927’s “Grove City - The Town with a Future”,  available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)Dr. J.C. SommerDr. Summer is a graduate of Starling Ohio Medical College, Columbus, class of 1913. After one year’s hospital training he began the practice of medicine in Somerset, Perry County, where he resided nine years. On the 21st of August last he removed to Grove City and occupies the residence and office adjoining of the late Dr. H.W. Geissinger, which is on West Park street at the B. and O. depot. Prior to his medical training he took the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts at Valparaiso University, and post-graduate courses in New York City and Chicago. Dr. Summer is a member of various medical societies, including the Columbus Academy of Medicine, the General Practitioners’ Medical Society, and the Ohio State Medical Association. He is a member of the M.E. Church and also affiliated with the Masonic fraternity, the Odd Fellows and the Elks.


Town with a Future - Dr. C. H. Lose, Dentist


Town With a Future - Mayer Hardware Company