The Strader-Borror Family Part 1
(The following is reprinted from “Reflections II”, a collection of local stories available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)Christopher Strader migrated to Ross County, Ohio, around 1806 and settled in Ross County, near the present town of Austin. The land known as Borror’s Corners was part of an original Grant to Robert Rose, a surgeon in the Revolutionary War. Christopher Strader contracted with Dr. Rose to purchase this land in 1787. As part of the settlement of the Rose Family Estate, a deed for Military District Survey No. 1108 in Franklin and Pickaway County, Ohio was issued to Christopher Strader and his wife. The original survey showed this track is containing 1,200 acres, but by actual measurement was 1,600 acres.The Strader's, in turn, deeded portions of this tract to each of four of their children who had not previously been deeded property. These four children, Mary, Jacob, Catherine in the widowed Magdalene Strader-Borror had already settled on the property by 1811. Jacob’s section was the northernmost, about 10 miles south of Franklinton (Columbus).Christopher Strader died December 21, 1825, and is buried at Strader Hill Cemetery overlooking Austin. His will, probated February 2, 1826, completed the transfer of these land parcels to his children. Magdalene Strader-Borror and her heirs were willed 250 acres, namely the land at Borror’s Corners, she had already been living on for more than fourteen years.Magdalene Strader had been born in Hampshire County, Virginia, on August 26th, 1767 and married Jacob Borror, Jr., in 1785 in Hardy County, Virginia. Jacob was a Revolutionary War veteran who had been granted a pension of $40.00 a month on January 20, 1786, for his war service in 1781 - 1782. Jacob died on August 11, 1804, from an apparent heat stroke suffered while recovering a deer he had killed. His will left his estate to his widow, Magdalene, and their seven children. Absalom, the seventh child was born December 28, 1804, after Jacob's death, but it been provided for equally in the will.(The conclusion of this story in the next blog entry).