The Epoch of the Park Street School - Before Grove City
(The following was written by Faye and Harold Morland, and is reprinted from “The Epoch of the Park Street School 1853-1964 and Grove City, Ohio”. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)Two soldiers with military land warrants located their claims, small parts of each being destined to become Grove City.General Daniel Morgan by his warrant number 20 from the United States government, surveyed 2,222 acres of land and entered his claim in the office that is now the office of the Auditor of State. His survey number 1383 was filed August 17, 1787.Hugh Grant, Sr., an early settler, purchased part of these grants. He was an ardent hunter. One day he killed two Panthers. He killed 82 deers in one fall. While hunting, he discovered a tall tree with a hollow limb which housed a wild bees nest. In quest for honey, he evidently climbed the tree, broke off the hollow limb, fell, and broke his neck. He was not found until the following Spring because of heavy snows.Jackson Township was wild and sparsely settled. Bounties were established for killing wolves. By 1820, Jackson Township had a population of 310 inhabitants. As the pioneers cleared the primeval forest and planted crops, they realized the need for schools and places of worship. The first Township school house was the Solomon Borror school built of logs in 1815 near what is now the corner of State Route 665 and Jackson Pike. It was supported by family subscription. Asa Davis was the first school teacher. The first church in Jackson Township was built of logs in 1817 and was known as the Scioto Chapel.From 1825 to 1847, the state of Ohio built 813 miles of boat canals with many connecting Lakes. Settlers came by canal boat as well as by covered wagon. A cholera epidemic broke out in 1833. Of Columbus’ 3,000 population, 250 died that year