The Early Hoover Family - Part 2
(The following is reprinted from “Reflections II”, a collection of local stories available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)John Hoover died in 1840 at the age of 85 years. He and his wife are buried on the Hoover Farm. There is an iron fence enclosing their graves and the G.A.R. has placed a monument as a soldier of the Revolution. George Hoover, the youngest son of John Hoover, lived in the old home place and was a great Hunter. He killed 500 deer but never a bear. One day he followed bear tracks that led to the George Vansciever farm. He heard the bear and dogs fighting but when he reached the place the bear had fled and the dogs were nearly dead.Again one dark, rainy night they heard the dogs and a bear having a fight on a bridge in front of the cabin. George, taking his flintlock, his wife and the lantern, started out to kill the bear. The lantern was made of tin with holes punched in the sides and the wind kept blowing out the candlelight so they had to give up. The next day they found the bear’s tracks in the woods but no bear. Their three children, Polly, Margaret and George Washington, were so frightened they hid in a room.George Washington Hoover, the youngest child, and known as Wash Hoover, lived all his life in the ancestral cabin and raised a fine family of children who contributed much to the well-being of Grove City. Two sons, William and Lewis Hoover were the family doctors of the town and John Hoover was our pharmacist. George farmed the home place. There were also three admirable daughters.