Museum Opened In 2009

Mayor Richard “Ike” Stage cut the ribbon and officially opened the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum on Sept. 19, 2009.  The museum was decorated by Linda L. Hale, a society life member, for the Christmas holiday season.  There was a large display of toys from bygone years a display is called Memories of Holidays Past. 

The museum was open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and special late hours Dec. 4 during the Winter Lights event in the Town Center and during the Mistletoe Market and Grove City Holiday Home Tour Dec. 5. 

Bill White, who donated a pump organ to the museum, was there Saturday to play the organ for guests.  The Museum is on the home tour this year and tickets will be available in the building. 

Just a few of the items on display included a large selection of dolls including Snow White in original condition from 1937.  Others include puppets, marionettes, metal and cast-iron toy vehicles, bubble lights, children’s books, turn of the century clothing, hats and a glass exhibit. 

Decorations include holiday trees, large doll house with Christmas lights, holiday china and glassware and festive holiday theme music.


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