Milk Delivery

Allen Milk Company was the primary provider of milk and cream in Grove City in the early to mid-20th Century.

There were two other known commercial dairy operations in Grove City, but the dates are unknown.   One was Tri-Maple Dairy Farm.  Their cap for the quart glass container said their product was “natural milk” and that it had been tested for tuberculosis and ‘blood tested’.  The cap reads their product is four percent butterfat or more.

According to an interview with former Mayor George M. Haughn in 2014, we learned of another dairy operated by the Haughn family.  The name of their dairy was Broad Dairy, named after Broadway.  Their farm, originally part of the Van Sciver family, was located on both sides of Harrisburg Pike extending east to Haughn Road. 

The dairy farm sold milk door-to-door in Grove City and Columbus.   George recalled when his uncle, Fred Van Sciver, was gored by a bull near the family home west of Broadway and died.  The Haughn dairy business failed around 1930 during the Depression.


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