Memories of 1928 Downtown Grove City - Part 3
(The following was written by Paul Grossman and is reprinted from “Reflections II”, a collection of local stories available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)Next was the home of Fred Hensel. In their front yard was a small hamburger stand that was operated by Mr. Bennett who had been a conductor on the interurban line at one time. Then came the Kingdom Theater, operated by Ben Allmon who showed movies on Saturday and Sunday nights. The large brick home of John Corzelius was next. Later a building was erected in front and used as an automobile agency.Going west on Grant Avenue just before the railroad track was a building where Carl Williams published The Grove City Record. The Witteman and Miller Feed Store was located on the north side of Grant Avenue. On the northwest corner of Grant and Broadway, there is a brown brick home that A.M. Nichols built. G.J. Mayer’s grocery store was in the next small building, which later became the welfare officeThe next building was constructed by H.G. Grossman and was the office of D.D. Davis. Then, was the Grove City Farmer’s Exchange. A small mill pond was in front that children could ice skate in the winter.The large old brick house was the home of Emmanuel White and the small stream (now covered) ran along the north side. There was also the Henry White farm, and his land across the railroad track was leased to build the track for running horses.Hugh Grant developed the tract of land that is Beulah Park. He named the park for his daughter, Beulah. She married Sam Campbell, who was an automobile salesman. The only other house I remember on North Broadway was located at 3791. It was the home of J. Bell. It had once been a dance hall located on Orders Road. It was moved to the present location and converted to a home.Paul was born and reared in Grove City. His mother and father were very active in the civic and political organizations of Grove City. Paul was a retired army colonel and had many relatives and friends in Grove City.