Major Eventful Years in the History of Grove City and the Park Street School, 1911-1964 - Part 2
(The following was written by Faye and Harold Morland, and is reprinted from “The Epoch of the Park Street School 1853-1964 and Grove City, Ohio”. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)On March 23, 1916, an attempt was made to consolidate The Grove City and Jackson Township Board of Education. From the minutes of the Jackson Township Board:“A resolution as follows was offered by Dr. Frank C. Wright (member of The Grove City Board): Resolution: For the formation of a joint high school Under Secs. 7669-7670-7671-7672, revised statutes of Ohio; whereas: it is the desire and hope of the members of the Board of Education of Jackson Township and of the members of The Grove City Village Board of Education that high school efforts and interests in Jackson Township and Grove City Village be consolidated and whereas: we believe much greater good can be obtained for all our children as a result of such a union; therefore be it.” Balloting was secret; the motion lost.In 1920 The Grove City and Jackson Township Schools were consolidated. Consolidation was first hinted in 1906: became apparent in 1916: but in 1920 it became necessary. Separately, neither the town nor the township could give their boys and girls as good an education as would be possible if they united….“And it came to pass that on July 16, 1920, an election was held in Grove City for the purpose of obtaining the wish of the citizens: Resolved: ‘That the Grove City School District should dissolve and become a part of the Jackson Township School District.’ It carried… “At a special meeting of the Jackson Township board on July 20, 1920, the following resolution was acted upon: ‘Whereas The Grove City village board of education held an election on July 16, 1920, on the proposition of dissolving The Village District and becoming a part of the Jackson Township Rural School District, the Jackson Township Board of Education hereupon assumes the responsibility of the school formerly under the control of the Grove City Village Board of Education. Motion by Grossman, seconded by Wright that we adopt be above resolution.“Miller yes, Willing yes, Grossman yes, Wright yes, Gantz yes. Motion carried. M.R. Miller, president; E.A. Willing; William H. Wright; J.P. Gantz and E.C. Grossman were the board members, with George Hoover, clerk. Clay Neiswender was president of the Grove City board at that time.”(The continuation of this story in the next blog entry.)