History of Grove City Schools - Part 2
(The following was written by Faye White Moreland and is reprinted from “Reflections II”, a collection of local stories available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the author.)A second and larger 2-room frame school building was erected on Lot No. 33 in 1870. The directors of the Board of Education of Grove City Special School District decided to build the new 2-room frame school on the newly acquired Lot No. 33, because the title was clear. Moreover, the title to the log school on Lot No. 32 was vested in the Board of Education of Jackson Township. The new school was built and the inadequate log school was removed. Conveniences were more modern. When this second school building was no longer suitable in size or convenience for school purposes, it was sold. Mr. A.G. Grant purchased this building, moved it to where the Norris Funeral home now stands, and converted it to a double house for rental purposes. It was torn down in 1939. Some of the early teachers in this school were, William Barnett, Samuel Parks, Lydia Spade, Ardylis Harsh, Matilda Grant and David Braggs.Among the rules and regulations adopted by the early Board of Education of Grove City Special School District were the following: “It shall be the duty of the board to provide at least two sessions in every year; the first to commence on or about the first Monday in November and to continue four months of twenty-two days per month. The school during the second session to be divided into two departments whenever the board scholars demand it.”Other sections provided for legal holidays, for teaching certain branches, for regulations of conduct, and suspension of undesirable pupils. One section reads: “It shall be the duty of teachers to prevent pupils from going to hanging around the stores or taverns during recess.” the code was signed by Joseph Bulen, William Nichols, and R. Higgy, Directors of the Board.Until 1886, the Board of Education consisted of three members. It was then increased to six. Among the names of the earlier members we find: Dr. Bulen, R. Higgy, William Nichols, Igantz Miller, Elias White, Jonathan Gantz, George Weygandt, Daniel Smith and Nelson Grant. Later, W.R. Mench, W.H. Barbee, Aaron Neiswander, Ezra Neiswander, R.D. Grant and Dr. Hoover. In the early 1900s, members were John Baumgartner, J.E. Stump, Dr. Nesley, Dr. Geissinger, D.D. Dupree, L.P. Graul and Fred Hensel.(The continuation of this story in the next blog entry).