Georgesville Local History and Newspaper Clippings - Part 2

(The following was taken from an article in the Southwest Messenger by author Jill Billman Royer - Grove City Record, July, 1966, and is reprinted from “Reflections II”, a collection of local stories available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum. Any opinions made in the article are from the authors.)Georgesville originally was home to a large population of Wyandot Indians and Robert Wright, who owned a blacksmith shop in 1840, told his descendants of many visits by the Native Americans to his shop for the repair of their rifles, axes and knives.A large settlement from Pennsylvania came to the area in the 1830s including one of the first wagon makers in Pleasant Township, James Bradfield.At the turn of the century the town was a bustling center of rural life. It had seven groceries, two blacksmith shops, a post office, a railroad depot, a gristmill, several churches, and a one-room house.By 1966, the town had dwindled to 100-150 people living in the town. Oliver Goldhart owned a small general store with two gasoline pumps in front. That was the only business in the little unincorporated town. Two churches were open for services and a small tavern was just outside of town where men have to talk, play cards and have a few beers.When word came out that Georgesville would be completely covered by water, when the $31 million dollar Big Darby Dam was built, citizens were very upset and asked many questions. “Do you think they will take my home? Will they move the cemetery? Will they take the church?”Oliver Goldhart expressed is feeling this way. “It sure makes me feel bad. Small towns are good place to grow up. Out here when you've got troubles, everybody flocks in to help you. Most of the residents are second and third generation residents.” The people are nostalgic and sad. They were angry because they had been in a state of limbo since the government announced the Big Darby Dam project more than three years ago. 


History of Harrisburg - Part 1


Georgesville Local History and Newspaper Clippings - Part 1