Evening on Darby

(The following is a poem by Alan N. Bodle, and is reprinted from “Reflections II”, a collection of local stories available at the Grove City Welcome Center and Museum.) Alone I stand beneath the willowsWhen the weary is done,And the clouds in golden billowsRoll above the sinking sun.Wind waved branches rustling o’er me,Deepening shades of night unfold,And the river spread before meTrembling sheets of misty gold.Breezes fold their fragrant pinionsDrifting through the waning day,From the woodland’s dim dominionsWhere the drowsy roses sway.Now the sunset’s fires grow dimmer,Softening over hills and dells;And the fireflies flash and glimmer,Darting through the hazel dells.Mystic luster, fragrant shadows,Sacred silence hovering o’erLeafing vales and flowery meadowsEventime on Darby’s shore.


The School House


Herding the Cows