Business Owners 100 Plus Years Ago

There was a variety of businesses in Grove City looking back more than 100 years ago.

        Bertha Alkire, Virginia Alkire, Katherine Cruzen, Katy Dee and Harriette Sibray were dressmakers and Alice Nichols was a milliner.Men by the name of Green and Barbee operated a cigar factory; Mrs. S. E. Johnson was a dealer in wallpaper; and Weygandt and Kalklosch were undertakers.  Kalklosch was also a local furniture dealer.There were five men who manufactured shoes.  They included Louis Noetlich, Chris Schwenkel, A. Ketterer, Alonzo Kingery and Charles Wetzgal.Charles Krumm, Anton Pilger, William Kroneberger and Jim Arnold were harness makers; Joseph Buchholtz was a wagon maker; John Baumgartner was a road contractor.


Leroy Geyer


One of Grove City’s First Photographers