Atlas Provides Window Into Past - Jackson Township

Jackson Township was organized in 1815 by taking territory that was once part of Franklin and Pleasant Townships.  According to a historical sketch in the old atlas, the early settlers included William Brown, Nicholas Haun, Jonas Orders, William Badger, Woolry Conrod, William Sinnett, the Brackenridges, the Borers, the Straders and the Goldsmiths.

According to a Jackson Township business directory, most businesses were listed as farmers.  Two of the farmers also said they were stock dealers, one was a stock broker, and two other farmers stated they were also house joiners.  There were two actual businesses that advertised in the directory.  They were:

E. Ed Miller and J. L. Hall, drain tile manufacturers who advertised they always had a good assortment available at reasonable prices.  That business was located just south of Concord Chapel.

 J. W. Woolum was a wagon and plow maker and his business was located in southwest Jackson Township.

There were a few other businesses that could be located including a grocery store and barber shop on property owned by Jacob Borror at Borror’s Corner at what is now Rt. 665 and Rt. 104.  Another grocery store was just a few miles north of Borror’s Corner on what is now Rt. 104 operated by John Haughn.

Goods that required shipment to distant markets was accomplished by canals.  Jackson Township’s closest canal port was at Shadeville which had a feeder canal from Columbus that linked with the major canal system at Lockbourn (Lockbourne).


Atlas Provides Window Into Past - Franklin Township


Atlas Provides Window Into Past